Need Commercial Assistance?
Cover Bases
It is important in today’s legal environment to have the proper cover in place to protect yourself in a commercial setting. As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than a cure”.
Williams Hunt & Bett is able to advise on and prepare a range of documents in a variety of commercial settings. We can also advise on the advantages or pitfalls of commercial arrangements that you may be considering entering into.

Commercial Services
When commercial disputes of any nature arise, they can be very disruptive, uncertain and expensive to resolve. It is important that you obtain proper and sound legal advice so that you are fully aware of the circumstance that you face. If you are thinking of taking someone to court or if you are being sued, Williams Hunt Bett can advise as to the appropriate steps to take and provide you with a range of possible outcomes.
In any commercial dispute, Williams Hunt & Bett will consider and suggest negotiation, alternative dispute resolution procedures or Court action as appropriate and applicable to each case. We guide clients in making informed decisions on taking steps to minimise risk and exposure. Our depth of experience in this area means we can provide you with the advice you need to enable you to make the right commercial decision.
+ Contractual Disputes;
+ Debt Recovery;
+ Negligence;
+ Planning Disputes;
+ Property Matters;
+ VCAT Matters.
Bankruptcy is a legal status offering protection from further action by creditors whose debts are 'provable in bankruptcy’. A person can become bankrupt by filing a debtors petition.
Alternatively, bankruptcy can be used by creditors as an extreme debt enforcement option. Either way, bankruptcy is a very serious matter and proper legal advice should be obtained before filing this petition.
Insolvency is term used in relation to company liquidations and bankruptcy. Williams Hunt Bett can advise secured and unsecured creditors, companies or individuals as to their legal rights and entitlements in regards to insolvent traders.
At the other end of the spectrum clients may need protection from over zealous creditors who are either pursuing the wrong company entity or may be seeking to claim on a debt that has been incorrectly charged.
Other Areas of Service
+ Shareholders disputes;
+ Partnership disputes;
+ Trust disputes;
+ Breach of directors duties;
+ Property and Building Construction disputes;
+ Commercial leasing including landlord or tenant;
+ General commercial and contract disputes.